Compliance Program Development

We can assist you in developing an effective compliance program that addresses risk areas relevant to your sector and consistent with industry guidance.

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Healthcare organizations, senior executives, and governing body members are under increasing scrutiny to ensure they have an effective compliance program.

An effective compliance program incorporates the seven fundamental elements as outlined in the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, is operationalized, and ensures that healthcare organizations and physician practices adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Operate and comply in accord with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Prevent fraud, abuse, and waste proactively.
  • Identify and detect compliance issues promptly.
  • Stop the noncompliant behavior and correct identified concerns quickly.
  • Establish controls to prevent noncompliant activity from recurring.
  • Promote an organizational culture of honesty and integrity.

Compliance programs are mandatory for hospitals, health systems, and physician groups, and the costs of noncompliance are high. These include recoupment of overpayments, self-disclosures, fines, penalties, reputational harm, negative publicity, exclusion from Medicare/Medicaid, and potential individual liability.

We can help your organization develop an individualized, meaningful compliance program that addresses relevant risk areas in your sector and is consistent with the OIG GCPG and DOJ Compliance Program guidance.

Related Industry Insights & Resources

Positive outcomes are possible for you and your patients.

We approach every engagement with a results-driven mindset, leveraging our deep industry expertise and data-driven insights to develop strategies that drive meaningful, measurable improvements in performance.
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We partner with clients to navigate the dynamic challenges of managing a high-performing physician enterprise.

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Compliance Services