Episode 14: How Prepared Are You for MACRA?

Dr. Mac Knight and Brandt Jewell join Mark to discuss preparing a physician practice for MACRA participation. The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) becomes effective January 1, 2019.

Episode Synopsis

Mark, Dr. Knight and Brandt discuss how MACRA and other pay for performance reimbursement models are shaping the healthcare industry and how these changes are affecting the physician practice. They explain key data points to review while preparing for the changes to reimbursement on January 1, 2019. They also present different types of costs to consider in concert with reviewing past quality data to evaluate a practice’s return on investment when participating in MACRA.


White Paper: Preparing a Physician Practice for MACRA Participation

MACRA Implementation: Have you Established a Plan to Succeed?

Making the Most of Your MACRA Reporting

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