Episode 113: Clinical Co-Management Arrangements

Align with hospitals without a PSA or employment.

Jana Sizemore joins Mark Reiboldt to discuss clinical co-management arrangements as an alternative alignment model for healthcare organizations and physician groups. Clinical co-management allows physician groups to align with hospitals and health systems without becoming employed or implementing a professional services agreement.

Episode Synopsis

Primarily used with surgical specialties, a hospital will partner with independent physician groups to support or grow the service line. While each situation is unique and different, Jana highlights why hospitals should consider a clinical co-management agreement, how they differ from other forms of alignment, and when to use the co-management structure. Retaining autonomy and independence is a big selling point for independent physician groups considering clinical co-management. The physicians can affect changes to the service line that would improve quality outcomes and patient care at the hospital by developing the service line and improving staff and patient satisfaction.


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