Episode 106: Developing a Data-Driven Culture

Brandt Jewell joins Mark Reiboldt to explain the management principles for developing a data-driven culture. Brandt walks through examples of utilizing data to manage staff and engage providers as leaders, mentors, and champions with common group-level objectives.

Episode Synopsis

Data validation is essential to gain buy-in and consensus from all stakeholders, particularly providers. Sharing data with providers and staff establishes consistent communication and dissemination of information.

When developing a data-driven culture, you should:

  • Simplify the data to focus on key metrics and actionable information
  • Provide clear and actionable direction regarding how daily responsibilities of all roles can impact the metrics
  • Communicate performance expectations to meet operational objectives
  • Build realistic near and long-term goals
  • Use consistent metrics across the group to avoid making exceptions

A strategic direction coupled with a shared vision, aligned incentives, operational support, and peer accountability through data and communication will develop a high-performing culture.

Click to listen to the episode.


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